Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Forty Three

Like pretty much everbody I know, I watched 'Glee' yesterday. It was SO GOOD I could get past the fact that I wanted to punch every single one of the actors playing the kids from the glee club in the face quite hard. That's because I like the songs and especially because of all the bits with the cheer coach and the cheerleaders. We've all been there. Well, maybe we haven't all been there, but I definitely have. And it's funny! Now they just need to lose all of the kids and show more of the teachers and it'd be brilliant!

Where has 'Glee' been before now?
Yes OK, it's not that highbrow.
But the 'High school' thing means
There's GREAT cheer routines
And the songs are great too. So, just, wow.


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