Friday, 1 January 2010

Thirty Two

Happy New Year!

I'm a little bit freaked out by 2010 because it seems like it'll be a pretty big year for me. As such, I'm choosing to not even contemplate the whole 'New Decade' thing. I have to stop dicking around at university this year and go and do something proper, which would be less scary if I had any idea what that was going to be. At the same time I don't think it's a bad kind of scary. If anything I'm quite loking forward to seeing where I end up. I think it's a lot more fun this way than the people who set their minds on careers years ago and are just going to go and do them in May with no straying from the plan. Then again, if I wasn't thinking like that I'd be terrified by now. Optimism wins again!

I think this limerick sounds a bit negative now I've read it over, but it definitely makes me sound more scared than I am. I'm excited, I promise.

And as if making myself a better person in 100 days wasn't enough, I also have a New Years resolution. I'm going to stop saluting magpies. I'm not a superstitious person but I always do that and I would like to not always do that. I actually failed within about 3 hours of getting up but there was no-one around and it's not like I'd do anything stupid and mention it on the internet!

2010 plus side order of fear
Is how I am viewing this year.
There's a lot I don't know
About how things might go,
And where I'll end up isn't clear.


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