Wednesday, 16 December 2009


It's snowing!! Alright, it isn't now, but if you'd happened to see me today all you would have heard by way of a "hello" was "it's snowing!" in a pitch about five octaves above normal and often with a little jump thrown in for good measure. But do you know what? It was snowing. For anyone who hasn't realised by now I have a mental age of about 8 most of the time and I get really excited by things like snow. Or Christmas. Or snow. I like this time of year.

But I've come across a lot of people today who have been what I can only describe as "buzzkills". Snow is fun, but not everybody seems to agree. I've decided to use today's limerick to address this very important issue:

I dread that there might come a day
Where I actively wish snow away.
When I whine about trains,
Or have roads on the brain,
That's the day that you kill me - OK?


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